In my work I fluctuate between the mediums of oil painting, printmaking, drawing, writing and photography - the latter being the center of my practice. To me my work is like an extension, a mechanical arm to my self-awareness, questioning everyday consciousness' potency to get to the bottom of things. In there, in tense nocturnal hours, mud and smoke fight for prevalence over light and sharper forms, while being observed by a shapeshifting entity that, hidden within its frame and levitated above the opposites, provides an overaching view. I'm drawn to capturing natural phenomena and extraordinary occurrences in juxtaposition to my own subjective encounters with day-to-day life - drinking coffee, seeing myself reflected in the microwave before going out to stumble upon a flip-flopped, plastic bag carrying stranger rushing for his mid-afternoon prayer to an ancient fig tree. Odd light sources and exterior sights get transformed by reflective surfaces that question the reality of the image, and in an oscillation between hallucination and boredom, contrast and form are conveyed so that what seemed apparent shifts. With large oddly-sized prints, placed and lit in a mockingly traditional manner, I want to stage a situation that punctuates the immediate presence of both viewer and image within the space and ask the question "Who is this who is looking?".